Sufficiently advanced reducers
In which we explore a timeless concept across a gradient of possibility.
May 2022
Today I’d like to share with you some thoughts about reducers. →
At this point, it’s a well-explored concept in the React community. We’ve been talking about reducers since 2015
A reducer is a way to express how a program changes over time as a pure function.
This idea was popularized by Dan Abramov in his talk at react-europe 2015 where he introduced Redux (2015), a library for managing state in React apps using reducers inspired Elm.
Dan’s goal:
[...] to create a state management library with minimal API but completely predictable behavior, so it is possible to implement logging, hot reloading, time travel, universal apps, record and replay, without any buy-in from the developer.
The function signature looks like this: (currentState, action) => nextState
. It takes two parameters: the current state of something, and an action to update that state, and it returns the next state.
Let me tell you, that talk moved the yavascript world. In 2015, Airbnb beginning to adopt React (I had just rebuilt the homepage search bar with it), but our most complex UI code (”Manage Listing”) was still in Backbone, making incremental changes to the DOM using jQuery or Mustache templates. Keeping the DOM in sync with data in those apps was a chore – so a system for writing apps that provided time travel and perfect observability debugging was magical. We flocked to React and Redux. It became The Way.
All kinds of apps are written around
Our story begins, as so many do, with a brief tutorial on React, a popular library for building user interfaces.
start with React useState
Effects - reactions to state change
Purity, referential equality
Implement useState as a useReducer
Explain the appeal of reducers/Redux
Popularized by Dan in his famous talk
Show logging actions
Show time travel
Complain about boilerplate
Action constructors
Matching actions in reducers
Look at Redux Toolkit, Kea
Developing a short-hand that brings action and reaction closer together in code
While preserving debugging, time travel, effect scheduling via referential equality
Propose a JSON path reducer
Set/update actions
Show how we retain the nice things above
Complain about the verbosity, use Proxy to build actions
- Compare to Immer
Limitations of referential equality for effect scheduling
Memory use
Selector performance
Explicit subscriptions (in the JSON path reducer)
Build a trie
Too much detail here?
Still actually deferentially equal!
Now we can time travel the subscriptions
Subscribe via proxy
- Mobx style
Allow mutation with time-travel
Inverse operations
Still logging all changes
Can still undo!
Turn off logging, inverse operations in production.
Review: we love that the state in this container is so debuggable, can be time traveled, and triggers minimal effects when changed
What about the rest of our program?
Code, asset loading
- Model this in the reducer too
Browser events
DOM mutations from outside the framework
- Extensions
Can we time travel every kind of thing?
sure, but we need a more complicated reducer
Outside influence
Need to remember indeterminism like Math.random
Can’t forget any indeterminism if we want to time travel
Stack based VM
reducer: the code WebAssembly.module
State: the memory WebAssembly.arraybuffer
ASYNCIFY: pause the “reducer” for snapshot
We control the non-deterministic inputs, eg provide Math.random
Programs that can’t compile to WebAssembly
Von Neumann architecture
AMD64 instruction set: the actions
AMD64 CPU: the reducer
“Virtual memory”: the state
This isn’t theoretical.
Time travel debugging for Firefox
Running our QuickJS reducer internally?
Requires x86, but I have arm
Turing equivalence for another day
Disk usage
Performance - code size, memory, CPU, reactions