Jake Teton‑Landis

Perfection enthusiast and byte craftsman splitting time between Miami, FL and New York, NY.

Interested in human productivity, big levers, and design.



September 2014 - November 2018

I worked at Airbnb for four years, and saw the company grow from ~130 engineers to ~1,300 engineers. I made lifelong friends, and learned so much from amazing, kind, beautiful, interesting people. I’d like to write more about my experiences during those years, but for now the following breathless LinkedIn bait will have to suffice:

  • Product (2014 - 2015): Built features for the Airbnb.com website in a fast-paced team environment, working closely with product managers and designers. Introduced ReactJS into Airbnb’s core library bundle. Rebuilt homepage search experience and ran experiments to optimize search effectiveness. Pushed migration from Backbone, Coffeescript, and Rails includes to React, ES2015, and CommonJS.

  • Developer Tools (2015 - 2017): Worked to improve developer productivity on small, engineer-only teams. Built an efficient, caching Javascript build pipeline that reduced development page rebuild time by 91%. Contributed to rewrite of internal build/test/deploy service interface to React. Primary author of CLI for Airbnb’s developer environment, which managed file syncing, repo clones, dev env provisioning for 200+ services, and more. Migrated 350 users from on-laptop VMs to dedicated EC2 instances without data loss. Mentored new team members.

  • Service Orchestration (2017 - 2018): Worked with team of senior engineers on Airbnb’s next-generation service platform, based on Kubernetes. Our efforts reduced service creation time from 2 weeks to 30 minutes, and enabled Airbnb’s migration to service-oriented architecture. Adjusted critical service discovery systems to allow service migrations. Build new extensible tools for project and configuration boilerplate templating. Supported migration of Airbnb Payments services from legacy Chef/EC2 to Kubernetes. Regularly taught class about Docker, Kubernetes, and internal tools. Created a zero-config documentation system, surfacing markdown docs from each service’s repository in a centralized UI.